
1 February 17:00
Big Hall
Text: Sofocle , Euripide
Directed by: Mihai Măniuţiu
Decor: Cristian Rusu, Mihai Măniuțiu
Costumes: Cristian Rusu
Assistant director/ prompter: Sanda Anastasof

Electra – Mariana Mihu-Plier / Gabriela Pîrlițeanu
Clitemnestra – Diana Văcaru-Lazar
Oreste - Andrei Gîlcescu
Pilade – Ștefan Tunsoiu
The Old Man – Marian Râlea / Pali Vecsei
Crisotemis - Antonia Dobocan
Egist– David Cristian
Corifeul – Adrian Matioc
Choir: Cristina Stoleriu, Veronica Arizancu, Arina Ioana Trif, Viorel Rață, Mihai Coman, Eduard Pătrașcu, Alexandru Malaicu, Ali Deac, Liviu Vlad, Vlad Robaş, Horia Fedorca
Grupul IZA  din Maramureș - Ioan Pop, Anuța Pop, Ioachim Făt, Voichiţa Tepei, Gheorghe Kohut

Technical direction: Ștefan Bucșa
Lights: Mihai Părău
Sound: Bogdan Ropcean
Props: Nicolae Dogaru
Booths: Elena Hărsan
Marketing coordinator: Stefania Dogariu
Măniuţiu's Electra is a performance of the eternal, yet all present tragic, always willing to take the shape of the day, but preserving its perpetually essence, the inexorable destiny. The meeting between these two great texts of Greek tragedy – the founding texts of the great European cultural myths – and the traditional music performed live by the group from Maramureş (Northern region of Romania) brings this extraordinary mythology into the present, causing the birth of a space of archaic confluences.

Electra and Orestes are the tool of destiny incarnated by the closed community (Electra is the axe, which the courtiers painted in blood on her back) and its members ensure it’s fulfilment.

It’s the sign of the tragic descending from the palace to the edge of the world, the sign of the tragic conserving itself from the hard core of social life. It's a ghetto in the world today who has invented for itself ancestral operating mechanisms, reconstructed by Măniuţiu with mirror-clarity in which reverberate the instruments and voices of the Iza group.
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2005, Merida, Spain, Awards: Best performance, Best director, Best actress in a leading role
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27 September -9 October 2005, Limoges, France, ”Les Francophonies en Limousin”
24 -27 October 2005, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, ”MESS -45th International Theater Festival Sarajevo”
6 -13 November 2005, București, "I. L. Caragiale" National Theatre Festival
29 July - 3 August 2007, Budva, Montenegro, ”Grad Theatre City Budva, XXI Festival”
11-16 November 2007, Bruxelles, Belgium, ”EUROPALIA”
4, 5 July 2008, Nicosia, Cyprus, ”International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama”
26, 27, 28 August 2008, Merida, Spain, ”Festival de Teatro Clasico”
21 May 2010, Pecs, Hungary, ”Pecs European Capital of Culture 2010” (Tribuna, HotNews)
29, 30 August 2010, Tel Aviv, Israel, ”Tel Aviv International Festival” (The Epoch Times, Institutul Cultrual Român, Tribuna)
26 October 2010, Cluj-Napoca,tour held in cultural partnership with ”AMBIENT” ( Cluj-Napoca National Theatre, Știri de Cluj, Ora de Sibiu)
3, 5 April 2011, Adana, Turkey, ”Turkish State Theatres Sabanci International Theatre Festival” (Sabancivakfi, Institutul Cultrual Român, Ora de Sibiu )
13 April 2011, Poznan, Poland, ”Polski Theatre Festival” (Ora de Sibiu, Culture PL )
9 November 2011, Ploiești, ”Toma Caragiu Theatre Festival” (Teatrul Ploiești)
4 –8 April 2012, Bogota, Colombia, ”Bogota Theatre Festival” (Radio Europa Liberă Moldova, Ziarul Făclia)
2 October 2012, Baia Mare, tour held in cultural partnership with ”AMBIENT”
3 October 2012, Bistrița, tour held in cultural partnership with ”AMBIENT”
26 June 2016, ELECTRA, Festivalul Internațional de Teatru “Miturile Cetății”, Constanța
26-29 October 2017, ELECTRA, Jiangxi Theatre Festival, Fuzhou, provincia Jiangxi, China, pe scena Tang Xianzu Grand Theater (Mesagerul de Sibiu, China.Org.cn )
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Estimated duration:
1h 15min
Premiere Date:02-02-2025

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